Supfen Armoured Mask Overlay First Impressions – it could be better than the Wukusi Cobra

I recently received the new Superior Fencing Armoured Mask Overlay and I thought I’d share my thoughts on it for anyone thinking of buying it, as well as feedback which I have sent to Superior Fencing.

Full disclaimer: I received this from Superior Fencing as an add on to another order, so I did not pay for it. I would like to think my review is not biased due to this, but make what you will of it.

A bit about me and why I’m giving my feedback: I run a Korean Swordsmanship Club in Sydney focusing on steel sparring called Sydney Korean Historic Fencing and have been training since 2017, I also cross train with the Stoccata School of Defence in HEMA. I love getting new gear and improving gear and I regularly collaborate with gear makers to try and improve the quality and protection levels of HEMA/Historic Fencing gear so that we can all train at a higher standard with less injuries.

So with formalities aside, lets talk about the armoured mask overlay. In short, with a few changes it would be perfect. It is clearly based off the Wukusi Cobra design with a hard outer shell to attenuate shock, as opposed to other fencing mask overlays which usually have padding to dampen the shock before the mask. Construction wise, it is made from a hard plastic outer shell with padding on the inside and this sits directly over the mask. It attaches at two points: an elastic under chin strap as well as a velcro tie inside the overlay which attaches to the base of the mask tongue. It has a hard plate back of head protector on rivets which opens and closes over the head but this is unpadded. To secure it, there is a strap with a plastic buckle which holds the back of head in the closed position.

To address the elephant in the room, it is nearly as protective as the Wukusi Cobra. The Cobra has an additional layer of padding inside the mask which the armoured mask overlay does not, however, I don’t think its needed. If you are hitting hard enough for it to be needed, you are probably far exceeding the tolerance of any other mask overlay and that level of force really shouldn’t be warranted at any fencing club due to concussion risk. There have also been concerned raised about the overlay not being attached to the mask and thrusts getting caught on the lip of the overlay. I had this happen to me in sparring once and it pushed my head back a bit and then it disengaged, so it did not seem like a huge problem, however, a point to note is that at the clubs I train at we use tip coverings so an uncovered tip may not do this. (I do strongly recommend a leather tip cover for any sparring sword though, it makes it much nicer to be stabbed by)

Pros about the mask overlay:
+ Protective. As stated above, plenty protective for historic fencing and possibly even slightly overkill.
+ Removable. This is great as you can put in on a new mask as your mask gets worn out, or you decide to upgrade your mask, or even for newbies who have already got a mask, it saves a lot compared to the Wukusi Cobra.
+ Price. If you were buying a CEN2 mask as well as the overlay, it is probably not a huge saving after shipping compared to the cobra, however, if you already own a mask this is a massive saving.
+ BYO Mask. If you like a certain type of mask you can use it. I like ones with a removable liner so I can clean it and the wukusi doesn’t come with one. I can use my favourite mask with the armoured mask overlay.
+ Weight. The armoured mask overlay and mask combo appears lighter than the wukusi cobra. On my scales the cobra weighs ~2.20kg and the armoured mask overlay and a CEN2 mask weighs ~2.05kg. Not a huge difference, but enough that the supfen combo doesn’t flare up a pinched nerve in my neck, whereas the wukusi does.
+++ Glasses friendly. If you wear glasses the Wukusi is not for you. The padding inside the mask as well as the back of head not opening up wide enough makes it just about impossible to wear glasses inside it. They always seem to slip off when getting your head in. This is not a problem with the armoured mask overlay, the back of head opens wide enough that you can put your face in front on and the mask is, well the same as your mask has always been. This is a game changer compared to the wukusi for glasses fencers.
?+ Less phallic appearance. A club member commented it looks less phallic compared to the wukusi cobra. Make of that what you will.

Mask opening range compared with Wukusi Cobra on the left and Supfen Armoured Mask Overlay on the right

Cons about the mask overlay:
- Noise. Its definitely louder than a padded overlay. I think it is manageable and I tend to have quite sensitive hearing, but when people slap the mask to test it out that is really quite loud. Don’t slap your friend’s mask overlays, a sword hit is actually kinder on the ears.
- The buckle. The buckle to hold the back of head plate down sits of the left side of the head. I worry if this gets a direct hard hit by a steel sword it may break.
- Back of head plate. The back of head plate seems not to extend down far enough to give good cervical protection, if it extended a few cm further it would be good. Also the back of head seems quite roomy and with the weight of the overlay I find it pulls my mask forwards when I look down.

The buckle in question shown above

So I have given my brief feedback to Farhan at Superior Fencing along with some proposed improvements. The first is to replace the buckle on the side of the head with a metal fold clip and D ring to hook to. This would be low profile, just as easy if not easier to use as well as far less likely to break if hit by a steel sword. The second is to extend the back of head plate a few cm to give better cervical coverage. The third is to add some foam inside the back of head plate, this would add protection as well as fill out the roominess so it holds the head better and makes it more secure. For people with bigger heads they could shave down the foam or close it slightly less and it would still hold well. I believe that with these improvements the Superior Fencing Armoured Mask Overlay would be a superior product to the Wukusi Cobra. I have given my feedback to Farhan and I hope he considers it.


Grappling in Swordsmanship


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